Today, AWUKO is one of the leading grinding-tools manufacturers with costumers in over 100 countries worldwide. We make high demands to our suppliers for that our customers get the best quality for best possible prices. Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, AWUKO has set standards in quality control procedures in place from receipt of the raw materials up to the dispatch of the finished products.
CUMI AWUKO Abrasives GmbH
Animal glue
The high quality of our products depends in large parts on the bonding. For thin-skinned workpieces and the therefore needed soft grinding it is advisable to use animal glue bonded grinding materials. Due to the soft bonding of the animal glue a very fine and uniform finish is guaranteed. AWUKO is one of only two players in the market witch is able to manufacture an abrasive strip with a width of 2.05 metres.

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